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Showing posts from June, 2021


 This week, I share with you an unusual staff disciplinary experience which I have shared in waiting with nobody. I worked in this particular company where the first four stages of the Disciplinary Procedure which I shared on June 16, 2021, were not followed. For my conscience sake when disciplinary action recommendations came from Line Managers, I went to the shop-floor to confirm from both parties. In this unusual case a lady was being sent on 2 weeks suspension without pay for gross insubordination. With physical evidence, the lady proved sexual abuse against the Line Manager. When I confronted the Line Manager with the proof of Sexual Abuse provided by the lady, the Line Manager agreed to drop the disciplinary action against the lady.


 Arising from capacity and audacity on my part of company disciplinary policy, I stopped lateness and Absenteeism in one company I worked. HOW? I gave thresholds on lateness and Absenteeism:- - 15 minutes of grace for lateness. - 16 minutes lateness attracted 30 minutes salary cut. - 31 minutes lateness attracted 1 hour salary cut. - 1 hour lateness 1 day absence without pay. - 3 days absence in addition to lost of pay also attracted First Written Warning. - Second month 3 days absence attracted Second written warning. - Third month 3 days absence attracted 5 additional day of suspension without pay. - Fourth month consecutive 3 days absence attracted Termination of employment. I gave a month notice for the implementation.  You cannot believe it that incidence of lateness and Absenteeism crashed from over 60% to less than 5%.


 Summarily the object of discipline is to foster a disciplined, harmonious and motivated working environment aimed at corrective rather than punitive effort. Generally, the procedure is as follows:- - Apprehension.  - Query. - Explanation. - Counseling. - Verbal Warning. - First Written Warning. - Second Written Warning. - Third Written Warning. - Suspension without pay. - Termination. - Dismissal.


 Companies, depending on their operations, define Offences that could attract disciplinary action. Under-listed are the more commonly mentioned Offences. They are:- - Lateness and Absenteeism. - Misrepresentation of facts. - Seeking and Accepting additional gratification. - Drunkenness - Sleeping on duty. - Sexual harassment.  - Fighting and Physical assault. - Discrimination. - Pool betting, and Gambling. - Pilfering, Theft, Fraud, Dishonesty and Disloyalty. - Pornography. - Unauthorized disclosures. - Breaking HSE Regulations. - Illegal Activities - Dereliction of duty. - Gross insubordination. - Conviction and Imprisonment for criminal Offences. - Loitering. - Clocking for another staff. - Abuse of Company plants and equipment. - Trading. Next week, we share disciplinary procedure.


 Our Contents for the month of June shall be devoted to Staff Discipline. Every company worth the name "Company" with value on Human beings and their interaction at work, would articulate a Human Resources Policy and Procedure. Within a Human Resources Policy and Procedure shall be found a Disciplinary Policy and Procedure. The Disciplinary Policy and Procedure defines purpose and Objectives, Aims,  Offences and the means of handling infractions. The Purpose of the Policy is to define standards of behaviour expected of employees. The Objectives are to ensure employees high ethical standards in all aspects of professional performance and are well respected and accepted in the business community. The aim is to provide equitable standard for handling staff discipline.