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Showing posts from April, 2024


 Looking for one major reason for Massive poverty in our society, the excessive prayers notwithstanding? It has to do with the attitude of the Church towards accountability and hard work.


 There are a group of people in my clime that do not read anything. When I started this Blog, I used to summarize the content in not more than six words while sharing and I noticed that the few who cared to read, read only the summary and went away. Break all four legs of the table? YES. All children born, post 1978, did not attend any schools. A majority of them fall within the transition period from Generation Next to the Millennials. There is an old maxim that states, "if you want to hide anything from Africans, put it in a book". The present massive educational facilities notwithstanding, the schools are only producing half literates which are worse than illiterates. Consequent upon the above, which is closely tied to the process through which they were educated, they are incapable of Logical arguments not to talk of Reasonable arguments. In any discussion with them, after two sentences, they introduce insults due to lack of Capacity for Logical and/or Reasonable argument


 Looking for one of the most despicable things that happens in our society? It is the children of the multidimensional poor people fighting against the poor in defence of the Rich.


 To conclude the above content, I shall discuss the Typology 3. Last week, we discussed typologies 1 and 2 which dealt with, No formal employees performance measurement and Simple employees based performance measurement system. TYPOLOGY 3: Ego-Tripping employees performance measurement system. By my experience, there was one company. Here, the HR Department put a lot of time and resources in the training of employees in the act of setting annual goals and actual measurement of employees performance at the appropriate time.  At the end of the actual employee performance measurement, the problem begins, hence the tag of "Ego- Tripping". The HR Department does nothing with the ratings until Executive Management returns from the Stock Exchange, where it presented the facts behind the figures, which usually showed a wonderful performance. Then, the unusual happens, the HR Department informs employees that due to the poor performance of the company in the last financial year, the c


 Based on my experience, I have identified three types of organisations based on how they viewed Employees Performance Measurement System. The three typologies are:- - Absence of formal employees performance measurement system. - Simple employees based performance measurement system. - Ego tripping employee performance measurement system. My 25 years paid employment time, I spent majorly in manufacturing companies. TYPOLOGY 1: Here, therewere companies which had no formal employees performance measurement system. One thing that was common with them was the recognition of machine performance without appropriate regard for the operator of the machine. Another common denominator was pervasive Nepotism, so that annual salary increment was based on connection. In three of the companies in this typology, where I thought, I had the power to introduce employee performance measurement system, when I had finished all the groundwork, to start the actual measurement, the business owners cancelled


 Looking for a country where anybody who finds himself in leadership position operates by acute Ostrich Syndrome but calls it national interest? Welcome to my beloved country, Nigeria.


 The purposes and uses of periodic and systematic measurement of employees job performance based on pre-agreed job performance levels differ from organisation to organisation. For some organisations, PMS is an end in itself. It is meant to feel belong because it is not used for anything further. Furthermore, organisations that operate by the national malady in Nigeria called Nepotism, PMS, where it exists, is also an end in itself. However, organisations that are interested in measuring their employees performance for purposes that benefit both the employees and the organisations, some of the uses are listed hereunder. They are for:- - Separation of motion without momentum from motion with momentum. - Separation of laggers from performers. - Separation of shaft from wheat. - Separation of low-fliers from high-fliers. -The distribution of rewards. - The identification of tomorrow's leaders. - Succession planning. - Identification of training needs. - Correction of on-the-job mistake