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Showing posts from October, 2019


Once my management refused to pay the yearly thirteenth month salary and the branch union locked the company gate against everybody including customers. While it was a wrong move by the management refusing to pay what was generally called Christmas bonus despite the fact that the company had grown it's profit by over 60%, locking the gate was unacceptable. Two wrongs cannot make a right. I got out of the company just before the gate was shut and declared a trades dispute against the union. The gate was opened when the conciliator appointed on behalf of the minister came the same day. Declaration of trades dispute is not the exclude preserve of the union. Next week, we start a series on "Management Rascality"


We had a site supervisor who specialised in stealing our critical spare parts. We terminated his appointment only for a reference letter to come from competition which I ignored even with a reminder. At last the Personnel Manager called to ask why I was refusing to respond to his letter. I told him to ask the staff to call me. When Mr.X called me, I told him that if I respond,I will state the reason for his leaving. He pleaded with not to respond.


Several years ago, I had the following conversation with my boss, then I was HR Manager. ME: Sir, until recently, we were always on the same page. What has caused our recent disagreements? BOSS: Sam, you are a good man but the problem you have is your uncompromising position on truth. Please start to tell "half truths" ME: Sir, half truth is a lie. I cannot deliberately start to tell half truths. BOSS: Sam, people around here do not want to hear the truth, so you must join in telling half truths. ME: The job I do here require a high level of integrity. Staffs must always rely on whatsoever I tell them. BOSS: What I am saying in other words is that you should play politics. Politics is about half truths. However, if you insist on telling the truth, then I have no option than to join them in fighting you. ME: You are welcome. BOSS::You will leave this place with your head bowed. ME: I will not because I am not involved in any unwholesome deals. My people what is your


In the late 60's my grand father told me that "a young man who travel the world has more experience than an old man who stayed in one place" In the late 90's a co-worker (a financial controller) told me that "a rolling Stone gathers no Morse" Applying both statements to HR, two persons, one spent 40 years in one company and the other spent 25 years in six companies. Who would you consider to have better experience on overall? Please give one reason for your position. Next week we shall talk about "POLITICAL HR VS APOLITICAL HR.

Welcome to Sam Obukelihor

It's beautiful rainy Saturday, and I am glad to announce the launch of my long awaited blog. I will be using this blog to share practical HR experiences and provide HR advisory services to young practitioners and Micro, Small and Medium Scale Enterprises. I look forward to engaging with you. Please check back for more... So long!