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Showing posts from January, 2021


 I worked in this particular company that pays terribly disproportionate Junior staff to Managerial salaries. My monthly salary was almost twice the salary of the five junior staff that worked with me. The above great disparity notwithstanding, one of the Clerk's secondary home was a beer parlour where he spent freely. A second junior staff on supervisory grade change his car twice in three years, while I the manager could not afford a single tyre of a car. These two staff, while one was in charge of purchasing, the second was in charge of processing the sales of scraps in the company.


 I worked in a company whose history shows that the Founder was so diligent in another man's store as a storekeeper that he bought the store off the owner. What goes around, comes around. The company grew to be very large with operations in two continents on earth with headquarters in the UK. In the last quarter of the twentieth century, the salesmen were so diligent that they no longer brothered about their salaries. HOW? Everything that they sold, third party incentive of about 20% was paid to faceless third parties. The third party incentives became company policy on sales so that after some, salesmen made more money than the company.


 In this particular company I worked, the salaries were so low that I proposed a 100% salary increase for all junior staff with the condition that the employer increase raw material purchase by 30%. That if the company does not return 80% increase in profit, I will resign from the company. The above conditions were accepted by the employer, unfortunately, she could only increase raw material purchase by 15% but still made 80% increase in profit month on month. Immediately, a wonderful incident occurred. A staff was caught at the exit gate with Quality Control Stickers. The employer wanted an explanation for the incident. My explanation was an eye opener to the employer.


 When an employer pays criminally low wages and refuses to pay those low wages on time, it is a recipe for employee stealing(Innovation for survival). I worked in this company that was paying 30% of the national minimum wage and her monthly salary circle was 45 days as against 30days by the labour law. One day the following conversation ensued between the Chairman and myself. Chairman: Look at these boys, see their eyes, they are all thrives.  Me: How do you know? Chairman: What is today's date? Me: 17th Chairman: Have I paid salaries for last month? Why are they coming to work so early? Me: Once there is life, there is hope. Chairman: When they leave, I will not pay gratuity because they have eaten their gratuity upfront. Me: There is a government agency that will fight for the payment of their gratuities.