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 There are a group of people in my clime that do not read anything.

When I started this Blog, I used to summarize the content in not more than six words while sharing and I noticed that the few who cared to read, read only the summary and went away.

Break all four legs of the table?


All children born, post 1978, did not attend any schools. A majority of them fall within the transition period from Generation Next to the Millennials. There is an old maxim that states, "if you want to hide anything from Africans, put it in a book". The present massive educational facilities notwithstanding, the schools are only producing half literates which are worse than illiterates.

Consequent upon the above, which is closely tied to the process through which they were educated, they are incapable of Logical arguments not to talk of Reasonable arguments. In any discussion with them, after two sentences, they introduce insults due to lack of Capacity for Logical and/or Reasonable arguments.

Their reading habit is, they read the first half of your introduction sentence and go to town to spread incomplete information based on ethnicity or religion modulated by sentiments. For example, recently a lawyer friend of mine, said there are universities that offer B.Sc. in Law, but when I told him certainly not National Open University of Nigeria (NOUN), he said unless that.

For the over 360 posts on this Blog, I have had less than 15 reactions. This low reaction has nothing to do with the infallibility of my ideas, rather with the incapacity to read serious matters put out there that sre not directly tied to making money immediately. I do not believe that my posts are so correct that nobody can raise a voice even very weak to say, old doy, this is not entirely correct.

Recently, I asked 21 pastors to tell me with bible reference where God called a husband and his wife. Only one pastor came through to say, there is no where in the bible where God called both husband and wife simultaneously.

I dare say, Nigerians are the Smartest people on earth but we are suffering today because politically, we have always put forward our 22nd eleven. We make the best policies and plans but we have no political Will to executive them.

The best news I have heard in recent times is the statement by the Minister of Education to the effect that 18 years will be minimum age for admission to Universities in Nigeria. If the 6-3-3-4 education policy was implemented properly, there would have been no need for that statement provided children started school at age 6. I cannot forget how my daughter was refused admission into a Command Secondary School because she was under 12 years, infact, she was under 11 years. All my children got into Tertiary Institutions at age 16.

Next week, let us go back to core HR Management experiences. The new series shall be on "Communicating Interview Result'.


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