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 My motivation to go for a master's degree program was the series of rejections I suffered without it in my search for employment. Unfortunately,  I lost my first very good job consequent upon the master's degree. 

I want to assume that generally, publicly quoted companies are better organized and operated than private limited companies. 

During my active work life,  I worked in four Public Limited Companies and my reporting lines followed almost the same pattern. In no particular order,  I did not report directly to anyone who was as educated as I was. 

Generally,  I was the first master's degree holder in HR ever employed with some experience in these companies. 

Another thing that happened was that it was only in one company that I reported directly to the Head of the HR Function and the gentleman to whom I reported had no degree in HR,  so I was like a consultant to him. 

In the other places,  I reported directly to people who had only Bachelor's degrees,  so they listened to me when I spoke,  even when they would reject my opinions because they had the authority. 

What I suffered as a result of my good quality HR education is captured in very clear terms by King Solomon:  "For in much wisdom is much grief:  and he that increaseth knowledge increaseth sorrow" Eccl. 1:18. I was called proud and stubborn. Stubborn,  I have defined from my perspective in "INFALLIBLE? 151" in this blog. 

Finally, Proud,  because in all the public limited companies I worked none had a Head of HR Function with any HR academic qualification. 

Next week,  we shall share on Good Quality HR Education and Job Hopping. 


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